Monday, 8 December 2014



I'm Archie, I'm 15, and I live in the UK. I love to build stuff in my spare time, from websites to carts.

I still regard myself as a beginner really - I  have fairly limited experience in most areas (electronics, python programming, web programming, arduino, woodwork, plastic-work, working with textiles....), but I'm better at some than others.

Most of what I learn comes from the brilliant online community. The best way to learn things in my opinion, is by doing them. Not by reading a book that tells you the right way to do things, but by looking at what other people have done, and amalgamating ideas, adding your own touch, learning from others' mistakes and generally developing over time.

I've started this blog as a means of showing others what I do (as some of my projects are pretty unique), and helping them learn from what I've done, and build stuff too. I want to 'put something back into the community', if you like.

I'm not going to commit myself to post every week/month/year etc, as I'll never stick to it and the main reason I build these things is for the fun of building them and to have a cool finished product, not to rush them in order to get a blog post up about them on the same day. That said, I will try and give regular updates on what I'm up to, and updates on my works in progress.

If you want to know some more details, or ask a question (however basic/complex - I'll try and help if I can!), then please get in touch with me in the comments, or on the contact page.

Have fun :)


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